Dec 2

Space Dad, Where Do Baby Stars Come From?

Kids, I present my latest (and so far greatest) images of the Orion Nebula, Messier 42.  This is what astronomers call a star nursery because it’s literally where baby stars come from.  See, when a mommy star and a daddy star love each other very much… In other words, it’s a region of deep space […]

Oct 26

Messier 32, Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy

M32, a.k.a. NGC 221, is a dwarf elliptical galaxy, which is a satellite of the Andromeda Galaxy (M31, NGC 224). It’s smaller, fainter but just as cool! Perhaps even a more rewarding find because it’s a bit more difficult to spot. In the first image above, M32 is the smaller smudge circled in yellow on […]

Oct 23

Globular Cluster (M2)

The night is still young (10:30 pm CDT) and I’m happy to report a couple of new Messier object sightings.  This one is a globular cluster known simply as Messier 2, or M2.  It is located at the northern end of the constellation Aquarius, just below the Great Pegasus Cluster (M15).  It lies approximately 55,000 […]

Oct 23

Orion Nebula (M42)

Here’s another look at the Orion Nebula, Messier 42.  Now that we’re getting deeper into Fall, we’ll start seeing the Orion constellation traverse our night sky earlier and at a higher declination, meaning it’ll become more and more conducive to optimal viewing and imaging conditions.  

Oct 22

Pleiades, the Seven Sisters (M45)

This is by no means a “showcase” of talents as I do not profess to be an astrophotographer.  I do, however, claim to be an amateur astronomer who happens to enjoy creating visual documentation of my night sky finds.  I’m also slowly working my way through the Messier Catalog of Deep Space Objects.  Therefore, I […]

Oct 18

Andromeda Galaxy (M31)

Yep, that smudge….that’s the Andromeda Galaxy as seen through a 6″ Newtonian reflector telescope.  I must say it does look rather unimpressive in this image.  But to actually locate and observe this distant world through the lens of your very own scope, in real life, is absolutely breathtaking.  One day I’ll own a proper astrophotography […]