Dec 28

I Saw Uranus; It Was Really Small

Go ahead.  Giggle it up!  I’ll proceed with the post, bloviate a bit and then explain why it actually shouldn’t be as funny as it is.  Well, I take that back.  See, to geriatric Millennials such as myself, it will ALWAYS be funny!  Who wouldn’t think it hysterical to go to class and learn about […]

Dec 10

Lunar Occultation (Almost) of Mars

Well, kids, as the title says it was “almost” a spectacular event.  A lunar occultation of a planetary body (say that 5 times really fast to your teacher!).  We’re located about 500 miles south of the viewing region.  So we couldn’t actually see Mars pass behind the moon, it kind of went to the side […]

Oct 8


Amateurly processed image of Saturn. More specifically, this is a snippet taken from a video I took by holding my iPhone up to the telescope eyepiece. Equipment: 6″ Orion SkyQuest Dobsonian reflector with handheld iPhone 11 Pro Max. (10-07-2022)

Oct 7

First Telescopic View of Jupiter

This is the spark that ignited my passion for astronomy. I had already developed a keen interest in all things “Space” thanks to my daughter, who will be the first human to set foot on Mars (my son’s going to be a Blue Angel, but I don’t think he realizes yet that Navy fighter pilots […]