Dec 2

Space Dad, Where Do Baby Stars Come From?

Kids, I present my latest (and so far greatest) images of the Orion Nebula, Messier 42.  This is what astronomers call a star nursery because it’s literally where baby stars come from.  See, when a mommy star and a daddy star love each other very much… In other words, it’s a region of deep space […]

Oct 26

Messier 32, Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy

M32, a.k.a. NGC 221, is a dwarf elliptical galaxy, which is a satellite of the Andromeda Galaxy (M31, NGC 224). It’s smaller, fainter but just as cool! Perhaps even a more rewarding find because it’s a bit more difficult to spot. In the first image above, M32 is the smaller smudge circled in yellow on […]

Oct 25

ET Phone Home

While poking around the Cassiopeia constellation the other night, I spotted a unique star arrangement. When I connected the dots it looked ET phoning home. Big ole bug eyes and all! Without knowing what it was, or if it was anything special, I took a picture just because it looked cool. While perusing the telescope […]